3. - Configuration Examples

3.1. - FSI SCA-1

3.1.1. - SCA: Channel Operation vs. FLEXCUB

This example illustrates the difference between Channel Operation of an FSI SCA card and FLEXCUB.

Fig. 200: SCA Channel Operation vs. FLEXCUB

The configuration on the left in the Figure shows a very simple FLEX-ES installation with one Instance (mainframe emulated CPU complex), a single FSI SCA, and a single 3990 DASD Control Unit directly connected. The diagram omits many details, including emulated devices used by the Instance.

Examples of the FLEX-ES System Configuration and Resource Configuration for this type of installation may be found in volume FSIMM300: System Programmer's Guide.

The configuration on the right in the Figure, which is, in this example, entirely separate from the one on the left, shows a very simple use of an FSI SCA to attach one FLEX-ES 3990 CKD emulated DASD control unit to a mainframe's ESCON channel. The diagram shows only the emulated 3990; it omits the emulated DASD attached to it.

The example on the right requires no System Configuration, as there is no FLEX-ES Instance involved. It does require a FLEX-ES Resource Configuration. The Configuration would need to specify the emulated 3990 control unit and its emulated DASD, This CU would have a single interface of type serial (with appropriate addr, path, and cuadd parameters). The serial interface would specify by name a chanpath Resource. The chanpath Resource ("sca0" in this example) associates the channel path with the server OS device special filename which identifies the FSI SCA channel.

# fsimx420-200-sca
# SCA Channel Operation vs. FLEXCUB Operation
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

resources server1:

cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca0 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

sca0: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch0 serial
end sca0

end server1

The diagram below illustrates a similar configuration which includes, for each, an ESCON Director. The FLEX-ES Resource Configuration remains unchanged.

Fig. 205: SCA Channel Operation vs. FLEXCUB, with ESCD

3.1.2. - SCA: Mixed Channel Operation and FLEXCUB

Since a single FLEX-ES server can accomodate multiple FSI SCA cards, it is quite possible to configure a single server both for Channel Operation (FLEX-ES Instances using physical peripheral devices) and FLEXCUB (providing FLEX-ES emulated devices to traditional hardware mainframes). Here is a relatively simple example of such a configuration.

Fig. 210: Multiple SCAs in Mixed Channel Operation and FLEXCUB Operation

# fsimx420-210-sca
# Multiple SCAs in Mixed Channel Operation and FLEXCUB Operation
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

# system instance1
# a system definition for the first FLEX-ES Instance should exist
# end instance1

# system instance2
# a system definition for the second FLEX-ES Instance should exist
# end instance2

resources server1:

# resources for the two FLEX-ES Instances should exist

# This is the resource definition for the 3990 CKD emulated DASD
# used by the FSI SCA-1 in FLEXCUB Operation.
# Note that it references sca2 below
cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca2 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

# The two FSI SCA-1 cards in Channel Operation are defined as
# "serial" resources.
sca0: serial
end sca0

sca1: serial
end sca1

# The FSI SCA-1 card in FLEXCUB Operation is defined 
# as a "chanpath" resource
sca2: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch2 serial
end sca2

end server1

3.1.3. - SCA: Emulated Shared DASD over Emulated and SCA Channels

A single FLEX-ES emulated DASD may be shared by two mainframes.

These two mainframes each may be FLEX-ES Instances. In this situation, no FSI SCA need be involved. The DASD attachment may be through FLEX-ES emulated channels (as shown in the top example of the Figure below) or FLEX-ES network emulated channels, or a mixture of the two (as shown in the bottom example of the Figure below).

Examples of the FLEX-ES System Configuration and Resource Configuration for this type of installation may be found in volume FSIMM300: System Programmer's Guide.

Fig. 220: Emulated DASD Shared Over Emulated Channels

These two mainframes each may be conventional hardware mainframes. In this situation, no FLEX-ES Instances need be involved. The FLEX-ES server may provide only the emulated DASD through one or more FSI SCA-1 cards. In the configuration shown below, two SCA-1 cards in FLEXCUB Operation provide direct connections from two external mainframes to a single FLEX-ES CKD emulated DASD.

Fig. 221: Emulated DASD Shared Over SCA Channels

# fsimx420-221-sca
# Emulated DASD Shared Over SCA Channels
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

resources server1:

# This is the resource definition for the 3990 CKD emulated DASD
# used by the two FSI SCA-1s in FLEXCUB Operation
# Note that it has two interfaces and
# references both sca0 and sca1 below
cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca0 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      interface serial sca1 addr(0x00) path(1) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

# The two FSI SCA-1s cards in FLEXCUB Operation are defined 
# as a "chanpath" resources
sca0: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch1 serial
end sca0

sca1: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch0 serial
end sca1

end server1

An ESCON Director can reduce the number of SCA-1 cards involved.

Fig. 222: Emulated DASD Shared Over SCA Channels (with ESCD)

# fsimx420-222-sca
# Emulated DASD Shared Over SCA Channels (with ESCD)
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

resources server1:

# This is the resource definition for the 3990 CKD emulated DASD
# used by the FSI SCA-1s in FLEXCUB Operation
# Note that it has only one interface
cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca0 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

sca0: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch1 serial
end sca0

end server1

Finally, these two mainframes may be both a FLEX-ES emulated mainframe (FLEX-ES Instances) and a hardware mainframe. In this situation, both FLEX-ES emulated channels and physical ESCON channels might be used. As shown below, the FLEX-ES Instance could attach the emulated DASD CU over a FLEX-ES emulated channel, while the same emulated DASD CU could be provided to the ESCON channel of an external mainframe by an FSI SCA-1 card in FLEXCUB Operation.

Fig. 223: Emulated DASD Shared Over Emulated and SCA Channels

# fsimx420-223-sca
# Multiple SCAs in Mixed Channel Operation and FLEXCUB Operation
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

system instance1


channel(0) local

cu devad(0x200,2) path(0) resource(terms)
cu devad(0x100,4) path(0) resource(cu3990)

end instance1

resources server1:

terms: cu 3274
   interface local(1)
   device(00) 3278 console
   device(01) 3278 OFFLINE
end terms

# This is the resource definition for the 3990 CKD emulated DASD
# used by the Instance "instance1" over an emulated channel and by
# the FSI SCA-1 in FLEXCUB Operation
cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca0 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

# The FSI SCA-1 card in FLEXCUB Operation is defined 
# as a "chanpath" resource
sca0: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch0 serial
end sca0

end server1

3.1.4. - SCA: Emulated and Physical Shared DASD

Note that in this configuration the FSI SCA is used only in FLEXCUB Operation to provide an emulated device to the conventional hardware mainframe. It may not be used in Channel Operation to give the FLEX-ES Instance access to the physical 3990 attached to the ESCON Director. If Channel Operation (access to this physical 3990) is required, a second FSI SCA would be required to provide it.

Since the configuration of the FLEX-ES Instance has not changed from Figure 223 (Example fsimx420-223-sca) above, and since the introduction of another device on the ESCON Director does not change the Resource Configuration of the FLEXCUB FSI SCA-1, the configuration for this example is identical to that of Figure 223 / Example fsimx420-223-sca.

Fig. 230: Emulated and Physical DASD Shared Over Emulated and SCA Channels

In this example, a second FSI SCA-1 card, in Channel Operation, has been added to connect the physical 3990 CU to the FLEX-ES Instance. The configuration of the Instance, must of course change, but the configuration of the FSI SCA-1 in FLEXCUB Operation does not.

Fig. 231: Emulated and Physical DASD Shared Over Emulated and SCA Channels

# fsimx420-231-sca
# Emulated and Physical DASD Shared Over Emulated and SCA Channels
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

system instance1


channel(0) local
channel(1) serial sca1

cu devad(0x200,2) path(0) resource(terms)
cu devad(0x100,4) path(0) resource(cu3990)
# since this is a direct connection, 
# no "link" parameter should be coded
cu devad(0x120,4) path(1) unitadd(0x00) cuadd(0x00)

end instance1

resources server1:

terms: cu 3274
   interface local(1)
   device(00) 3278 console
   device(01) 3278 OFFLINE
end terms

# This is the resource definition for the 3990 CKD emulated DASD
# used by the Instance "instance1" over an emulated channel and by
# the FSI SCA-1 in FLEXCUB Operation
cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca0 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

# The FSI SCA-1 card in FLEXCUB Operation is defined 
# as a "chanpath" resource
sca0: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch0 serial
end sca0

sca1: serial
end sca1

end server1

3.1.5. - SCA: Simultaneous Channel Operation and FLEXCUB (Invalid)

While the diagram for the following configuration may look very similar to Figure 230, above, it is in fact quite different. It illustrates an attempt to use a single FSI SCA-1 card in simultaneous Channel Operation (accessing a physical 3990) and FLEXCUB Operation (providing an Emulated 3990). This is not a valid configuration.

Fig. 240: Simultaneous Channel Operation and FLEXCUB (Invalid)

3.1.6. - SCA: Looped Back

This arrangement is technically possible. It offers no advantages over an emulated channel while requiring two FSI SCA-1 cards. No doubt a scenario could be imagined in which it might reasonably occur.

Fig. 250: SCA Channel Operation and FLEXCUB Operation Looped Back

# fsimx420-250-sca
# SCA Channel Operation and FLEXCUB Operation Looped Back
# Copyright 2004-2009 by FSI
# Revision 1.1

system instance1


channel(0) local
channel(1) serial sca0

cu devad(0x200,2) path(0) resource(terms)
# since this is a direct connection, 
# no "link" parameter should be coded
cu devad(0x100,4) path(1) unitadd(0x00) cuadd(0x00)

end instance1

resources server1:

terms: cu 3274
   interface local(1)
   device(00) 3278 console
   device(01) 3278 OFFLINE
end terms

cu3990: cu 3990
      interface serial sca1 addr(0x00) path(0) cuadd(0)
      device(0x00) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b00
      device(0x01) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b01
      device(0x02) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b02
      device(0x03) 3390-3 /dev/raw/33903b03
end cu3990

# The Channel Operation FSI SCA-1
sca0: serial
end sca0

sca1: chanpath
   /dev/chpbt/ch1 serial
end sca1

end server1